This composer composed various spiritual works, but did not admit to anyone that he dreamed of operetta. Then he nevertheless created 80 operettas, although he already dreamed of completing a…

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Sounds that energize the brain
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The Doors
Of all the epithets that the press and critics have ever awarded The Doors, the most appropriate would be "original." She really burst into rock music with an extraordinary whirlwind,…

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Bad guys from the Aerosmith group with a disgusting reputation, scandalous behavior and passion for everything forbidden took off and sank to the bottom, and then scrambled out again. And for some reason the public always loves such “villains” more.

What is special and so attractive in them if they have been kept in the musical stream for more than 40 years. This American rock band regularly fell into scandalous chronicles of tabloids; its members were repeatedly arrested for unrest and drug use at concerts. But this only fueled interest in Aerosmith members.

More than alive
It’s hard even to say that this is the natural nature of the musicians or someone successfully planned a PR move. It has long been known that diligent guys do not become rockers, and even more so do not arouse interest in the audience. No wonder they say: if they don’t write about you, then you have already died. And these brawlers are more alive than all living, despite the rampant lifestyle. Only a few succeed in this. Many of their colleagues have long gone to another world because of the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol, fatal illnesses, or suicides.

Such a turbulent past does not prevent Aerosmith from successfully touring Aerosmith and showing grandiose shows. Within the framework of the largest tour in the history of music “The Global Warming World Tour”, musicians performed for the first time in the capital of Ukraine – Kiev. Ukrainian fans of hard rockers have been waiting for this event for decades. The tour itself was held in support of the album “Music from Another Dimension!” And covered all continents. Such music lovers have not yet seen! In parallel with the performance of artists on a huge LED screen, a documentary film about the history of the development of the group was broadcast. How did it all start?

The origin of Aerosmith
Their creative biography began in the late 1960s in the US state of New Hampshire. There, in the small town of Syunapi, Stephen Tallariko met (this is Tyler’s real name) and Joe Perry. Both guys already had some experience behind them – one sang and played drums in different New York bands, and the other even had his own group. Aerosmith The following date, the musicians remembered more specifically. It was September 1970. Then guitarist Perry and his former bandmate Tom Hamilton went to Boston and found help there in the form of drummer Joey Cramer, who even dropped out of college to participate in the band. In Boston, they approved Stephen Tyler for the role of frontman and vocalist of Aerosmith, and he brought with him a teammate. True, after some time he was replaced by the more professional guitarist Brad Whitford. Since then, their composition has remained virtually unchanged, except for the period from 1979 to 1984, when some members of the Aerosmith group left it for a while.

The first rock pancake
For two years, young guys fought for the right to be a real group, gained popularity among Boston students and in 1972 already had a contract with the oldest and most respected record company Columbia Records. Either the label was so perspicacious, or the musicians really showed their best side, but be that as it may, the contract was concluded. Signatures of musicians on the document cost 125 thousand dollars. Aerosmith group

Soon the debut album with the same name “Aerosmith” was released, which, like many first pancakes, turned out to be not quite even. Rather, he seemed to such severe critics. They, as you know, in America can ruin a career for anyone – from beginner to master. The team was accused of lack of material, and even imitation of the already popular band The Rolling Stones. Perhaps the outward similarity between Steve Tyler and Mick Jagger cut eyes more than music itself, the sensitive ears of critics. Fortunately, viewers, radio listeners and the audience at concerts this time missed the criticisms of the critics and sang along with the “smiths” songs that have now become rock classics.

Silence is gold and Aerosmith singing is platinum
The next album, Get Your Wings, was the first on the list of Aerosmith’s multi-platinum records. And all thanks to the efforts of producer Jack Douglas. 1975 was a landmark year for the group. This was a kind of milestone in their work and the next step, rising to which the musicians became worthy rivals of the same The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin. That year, their new album, Toys in the Attic, was released, making the band one of the most popular and loved in the States.

And then it went, went. The first serious success turned the Aerosmith participants so upset that they had to maintain this state with alcohol and drugs, stupid antics, concert breakdowns, and intragroup scandals. Constant touring only aggravated the situation. In total, members of the group were arrested 45 times!

This composer composed various spiritual works, but did not admit to anyone that he dreamed of operetta. Then he nevertheless created 80 operettas, although he already dreamed of completing a…


Fans of the legendary Metallica are so dedicated and uncompromising that they can be compared to religious adoration. Legends circulated about their booze during the tour, and journalists called the…


History of The Rolling Stones
The Rolling Stones is a legendary English rock band. The debut of the group took place on July 12, 1962 on the stage of the Marquee Jazz Club. The first…
