Surely there is not a single person in the civilized world who has ever heard of The Beatles.
The phenomenon of this four is still trying to unravel music historians, critics and music lovers.
Can anyone explain such a massive popularity and truly popular love for British musicians who in the 1960s turned the world upside down.
At the origins of The Beatles
It is impossible to even imagine the culture of the past century without the legendary four The Beatles. For at least 20 years they have been a role model not just for musical groups and individual performers, but for entire generations of young people. They were the ones who managed to instill love and peace into the Europeans tormented by the war of the soul of Europeans. It is difficult to overestimate the significance of The Beatles in world culture. Could even one of the members of the group have guessed which peak they would fly to when they met each other and decided to create together. Continue reading
The Doors
Of all the epithets that the press and critics have ever awarded The Doors, the most appropriate would be “original.”
She really burst into rock music with an extraordinary whirlwind, swiftly swept along the top of the charts and died so unexpectedly after the death of her charismatic leader. However, many The Doors compositions still inspire musicians, haunt fans and push for dangerous experiments.
The birth of a legend
More than one book has been written about the history of The Doors; films and documentaries have been shot. The milestones of the formation of the musical collective can be traced step by step, and only two of the current living members of the group know what really happened. However, fans are unlikely to ever learn all the secrets and mysteries of this iconic group, because the legend cannot be destroyed, otherwise there will be no symbol of freedom and intransigence. Continue reading
Modern Talking is a cult band. Its members have earned such fame, because their songs are recognizable by the first chords and are pulled to the dance floor. More than 100 million records sold say a lot. No one was more successful at Eurodisc than the guys at Modern Talking.
Could Thomas Anders have thought during the studio recording of the song “You’re My Heart, You’re My Soul” that this composition will fundamentally change his whole life. It was their first song and instant hit in the biggest hits.
Sweet beginning
In the early 1980s, the Eurodisc style only appeared, and with it the composer Dieter Bohlen. At that time he worked in a music publishing house and almost everything that sounded in Germany was written by him. Dieter’s voice was not outstanding, but his composing abilities quickly helped him to his feet. Bolen realized that for complete success, he lacked English-language compositions and a singer whose voice could make real hits out of his songs. Continue reading