In musical culture, personalities of this magnitude rarely appear, the more valuable is their contribution to world history. Perhaps it sounds rather pathetic, but we were lucky to live at the same time with such people, because not everyone has the opportunity to touch the work of those who are recognized as cult during life. Undoubtedly, one of these favorites is the magnificent Madonna. Her merits are appreciated. The Guinness Book of Records marked her as the most commercially successful performer of all time, and the authoritative Time magazine included Madonna in the list of the most influential women of the last century. Journalists have long called her the queen of pop music, but the path to this title was not easy for the singer.
Early loss
Madonna was born into a multinational family on August 16, 1958 in one of the towns on the shore of Lake Huron. Singer Madonna The girl was traditionally named after her mother, Madonna Louise Ciccone, who had French-Canadian roots, and her father was Italian-American. Madonna’s mother died of cancer shortly after the birth of her sixth child, and the girl’s rejection of the fact that God allowed her mother to die was a turning point in her life and influenced the singer’s work. After a couple of years, the father married again, but the stepmother mainly cared for her own children. Continue reading
The Flowers group has earned its place in history, if only because it has become one of the first musical groups to bring rock to the stage of the Soviet Union. All Soviet non-format within the framework of mass pop culture began precisely with this group. Dozens of famous musicians and several generations of loyal fans grew up on the work of “Flowers”.
Influenced by Woodstock
Rock group “Flowers” appeared in 1969 thanks to the efforts of the student of the Institute of Foreign Languages Stas Namin – the grandson of the famous Soviet party leader Anastas Mikoyan. Stas early became interested in rock music, and gathered his first team at the Suvorov School in 1964. The hippie movement could not remain aloof from the creative nature of Namin, and shortly after the legendary festival, Stas Namin’s group “Woodstock”, he founded a group called “Flowers”. Its first participants, except for Stas himself, were fanatically in love with music Vladimir Chugreev, Vladimir Solovyov and vocalist Elena Kovalevskaya. Continue reading
The tale of the French writer Charles Pierrot “Sleeping Beauty”, as it turned out, hides many secrets. At least, the creators of the ballet of the same name – composer Pyotr Tchaikovsky, choreographer Marius Petipa and director of the imperial theaters Ivan Vsevolozhsky, who became the author of libretto and costumes – filled the work with hidden meaning, elusive for a superficial look.
One thing is certain with confidence: the ballet Sleeping Beauty is far from a naive tale for children.
Political motives
The director of the imperial theaters, Prince Ivan Aleksandrovich Vsevolozhsky, gave the idea to put Sleeping Beauty. Former attaché at the Russian embassy in Paris, he adored everything French and actively supported the course of Tsar Alexander III towards the rapprochement of the two countries. Continue reading