Flowers group
The Flowers group has earned its place in history, if only because it has become one of the first musical groups to bring rock to the stage of the Soviet Union. All Soviet non-format within the framework of mass pop culture began precisely with this group. Dozens of famous musicians and several generations of loyal fans grew up on the work of “Flowers”.
Influenced by Woodstock
Rock group “Flowers” appeared in 1969 thanks to the efforts of the student of the Institute of Foreign Languages Stas Namin – the grandson of the famous Soviet party leader Anastas Mikoyan. Stas early became interested in rock music, and gathered his first team at the Suvorov School in 1964. The hippie movement could not remain aloof from the creative nature of Namin, and shortly after the legendary festival, Stas Namin’s group “Woodstock”, he founded a group called “Flowers”. Its first participants, except for Stas himself, were fanatically in love with music Vladimir Chugreev, Vladimir Solovyov and vocalist Elena Kovalevskaya. Continue reading