Sounds that energize the brain
“Some sounds work just as well as a couple of cups of coffee,” says Alfred Tomatis, a distinguished French hearing expert. This means that we can use music as a…

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The vocal abilities of this singer span five octaves. With her unique voice, she has long fascinated music lovers around the world. And now she is rightly called one of…

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GENESIS - Pioneers of Art Rock
The development of rock music in general and its intellectual direction in particular is impossible to imagine without the British band Genesis. It was she who turned into the channel…

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song became commercially


The voice of Christina Aguilera is one of the most recognizable among all American vocalists, and she herself has long received the title of pop diva from her colleagues and fans. Kristina won the title “Princess of Pop” at the very beginning of her career and continues to prove that she deserves this title by selling 50 million albums worldwide.

You can only imagine what other hits await us ahead.

Young star
Christina’s childhood was not at all cloudless. She was born on December 18, 1980 in New York. His father (an emigrant from Ecuador) was a military man and kept his family in austerity, which sometimes resembled tyranny more. Aguilera’s mother suffered this for six years, and then she took two daughters and left for Pennsylvania to start a new life.

Despite the family troubles, the mother paid maximum attention to the children and developed their creative abilities, being herself a professional violinist and pianist. singer Christina Aguilera Christina inherited a love of music from her. Continue reading

This composer composed various spiritual works, but did not admit to anyone that he dreamed of operetta. Then he nevertheless created 80 operettas, although he already dreamed of completing a…


Patriarch of music Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
More than 170 years have passed since the birth of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Hundreds of books have been written about the great composer, published in different languages ​​around the world.…


GENESIS - Pioneers of Art Rock
The development of rock music in general and its intellectual direction in particular is impossible to imagine without the British band Genesis. It was she who turned into the channel…
