Fundamental tone

MUGAM is the main form (genre) of Azerbaijani professional music of oral tradition. Part of the pan-eastern culture of macamata. The poetic basis of Mugam is the gazelles of classical…

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Fans of the legendary Metallica are so dedicated and uncompromising that they can be compared to religious adoration. Legends circulated about their booze during the tour, and journalists called the…

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When the popularity of rock music in the country was at its peak, and everywhere the songs of the groups “Cinema”, “Aquarium”, “Time Machine”, “Nautilus Pompilius” and other equally popular…

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The voice of Christina Aguilera is one of the most recognizable among all American vocalists, and she herself has long received the title of pop diva from her colleagues and fans. Kristina won the title “Princess of Pop” at the very beginning of her career and continues to prove that she deserves this title by selling 50 million albums worldwide.

You can only imagine what other hits await us ahead.

Young star
Christina’s childhood was not at all cloudless. She was born on December 18, 1980 in New York. His father (an emigrant from Ecuador) was a military man and kept his family in austerity, which sometimes resembled tyranny more. Aguilera’s mother suffered this for six years, and then she took two daughters and left for Pennsylvania to start a new life.

Despite the family troubles, the mother paid maximum attention to the children and developed their creative abilities, being herself a professional violinist and pianist. singer Christina Aguilera Christina inherited a love of music from her. Continue reading


This musician does not need a detailed introduction. In any country in the world, even people far from music have heard Paul McCartney’s name at least once in their life and know him as one of the leaders of the legendary band The Beatles.

His work is marked by sixteen Grammy Award statuettes, he became a holder of the Order of the British Empire, repeatedly fell into the Guinness Book of Records, and he is also a talented producer, artist and active animal rights activist. Here he is so versatile and unique – Sir Paul McCartney.

Liverpool modest
Fate decreed that James Paul McCartney was born in Liverpool, which was one of the flagships of the industrial revolution. The future idol of millions was born on June 18 in the difficult year of 1942. After the war, the McCartney family, although not in dire need, lived very modestly, which affected the performer Paul McCartney on Paul’s upbringing and worldview. Even becoming a millionaire, he forever remained economical. Continue reading


The greatest academic musician of the last century, Mstislav Rostropovich, not only had a unique performing talent, but was also a very principled person. He was not afraid to oppose the totalitarian system of the Soviet Union, for this he was expelled from the country, and also deprived of citizenship. Abroad, Mstislav Leopoldovich became a global figure, taking one of the most significant places in the world of music.

Diaper music
Baku became the hometown of Mstislav Rostropovich, where he was born on March 27, 1927. His parents were musicians, they moved from Orenburg at the invitation of the founder of professional musical art of Azerbaijan, Uzeyir Hajibeyov. From the first days of his life, Mstislav was introduced to music. And from the age of five, he was a musician Mstislav Rostropovich already studied in Moscow at the music technical school. When the war began, Rostropovich again left for Orenburg. In 1942, Mstislav had to take responsibility for the family – his father died of a heart attack. The future prominent cellist and conductor at a young age became a teacher at a music school to feed his mother and sister. Continue reading


Absolutely sincerely, without much pathos, Muslim Magomayev was called the golden voice of the era. The one who left, but thanks to his songs lives in the hearts of millions of fans. And if not every young generation remembers his name, then almost everyone heard the “Ray of the Golden Sun …” from the “Bremen Town Musicians” performed by Muslim Magomayev. The singer not only had a divinely beautiful and unusual voice, he put a particle of his own soul into each song, therefore the songs performed by Muslim Magomayev are an example of the highest art!

Muslim Magomayev: “Luck is a reward for courage”
The people’s favorite, who was literally worn on his hands, had an amazing baritone, which fascinated more than one generation. He was born into the famous Azerbaijani family on August 17, 1942. Grandfather was a pianist, composer and conductor. The grandson was named in his honor – Muslim, and he fully continued the work of the famous ancestor. Father did not return from the front, he died a few days before the victory. Muslim’s mother, Aishet Kinzhalova, was a dramatic actress. Continue reading


By the time Queen appeared in the musical horizon, the world was already sick with Beatlemania, a fan of the Rolling Stones rebels and Pink Floyd philosophers. However, this did not stop the “queens” from catching the wave and lighting their star, a phenomenon which can be understood by turning over the pages of the history of the formation of the collective.

“We Are the Champions”, “The Show Must Go On”, “Bohemian Rhapsody”, “Innuendo”, “We Will Rock You” and “Radio Ga Ga”. Well, who among music lovers does not know these outstanding compositions that made the Queen group a cult and reference. They also became innovators in the production of clips, for the first time applying original special effects and testing editing techniques. Continue reading

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This composer composed various spiritual works, but did not admit to anyone that he dreamed of operetta. Then he nevertheless created 80 operettas, although he already dreamed of completing a…


The Eagles is considered the most “American” of all American bands, as well as the third most popular and most sold record after The Beatles and Led Zeppelin. Is it…


Adriano Celentano - a unique phenomenon on the stage. All the artist’s universities are in the 5th grade of an elementary school and watchmaker’s workshop. But before this ingenious self-taught,…
