The talented and mega-popular singer Prince has released hundreds of musical compositions and almost forty studio albums, 100 million copies of his records have been sold in the world. All this gave him a kind of creative freedom, he could afford unpredictable acts, shocking and eccentricity. And once he just wanted to change his stage name to a complex graphic symbol. He worked for hours in his home studio, and then, going to the thousands of fans on stage, enveloped them with his magic. At first he drove the audience into a frenzy, after which he forced him to listen carefully to the lyrical song. This was the secret of his popularity and magic, fueled by incredible performance.
Life for two
This virtuoso guitarist, multi-instrumentalist, composer and outrageous singer was called a real rebel and a true propagandist of freedom. He was born on June 7, 1958 in Minneapolis and was named Prince Rogers Nelson. Singer Prince His mother, an American of European descent, Matti Della, was a jazz singer. His father, African American John Lewis Nelson, was a pianist and composer. Continue reading
What is music?
What is music? We listen to music, create it .. It causes us to associate with certain moments of our lives …
What is music
Music is a form of art in which the means of embodiment of artistic images are organized in a certain way organized musical sounds. The basic elements and expressive means of music are the fret, rhythm, meter, tempo, timbre, melody, harmony, polyphony, instrumentation. By performing means, music is divided into vocal (singing), instrumental and vocal-instrumental. Music is often combined with choreography, theatrical art, and cinema. Distinguish music with one voice (monody) and polyphonic (homophony, polyphony). Music is divided into: genera and types – theatrical (opera, etc.), symphonic, chamber, etc .; to genres – song, choral, dance, march, symphony, suite, sonata, etc. Music is recorded in musical notation, for example, in piano notes, and is realized in the process of performance by musical instruments. Continue reading